Prioritize Like a Pro: Top Five Prioritization Methods with Templates

Written by

Chuen Seet

In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly faced with a multitude of initiatives that need to be prioritized and executed in a manner that delivers maximum impact with limited resources.

To tackle this challenge, there are several commonly used prioritization methods that can help organizations make informed decisions about which initiatives to focus on.

In this article, we will discuss five of the most common methods and how organizations can leverage these via Jibility to support their prioritization efforts.

Jibility guides users to close the strategy execution gap by stepping you through a unique 6-step method, crafted by strategy-execution experts. Try Jibility for free to determine the work initiatives that will bring your strategy to life, prioritize them using our interactive prioritization matrix, and visualize your strategic roadmap against your time horizon.

Top 5 prioritization matrices with downloadable templates

Value vs risk

value and risk matrix
Download our FREE Value vs Risk Matrix PowerPoint template here.

The value vs risk method involves evaluating initiatives based on the potential value they bring to the organization, as well as the risk they pose. Logically, initiatives that are high in value and low in risk are prioritized over initiatives that are high in risk and low in value.

This method is useful for organizations that want to focus on initiatives that deliver the greatest return on investment while minimizing exposure to risk.

For context, value may be defined as strategic, customer or financial value. Risk may be delivery risk or business risk. We discuss this more in How to Build a Prioritization Matrix.

Important vs urgent

importance and urgency matrix
Download our FREE Important vs Urgent Matrix PowerPoint template here.

The important vs urgent method involves evaluating initiatives based on the level of importance and urgency. Initiatives that are both important and urgent are prioritized over initiatives that are either not important or not urgent.

This method is useful for organizations wanting to balance the need to address immediate issues with the need to focus on long-term goals.

Alignment vs priority

alignment and priority matrix
Download our FREE Alignment vs Priority Matrix PowerPoint template here.

The strategic alignment vs priority method involves evaluating initiatives based on how well they align with the organization's strategy and their priority level. Initiatives that are well aligned with the organization's strategy and have a high priority level are put before initiatives that are not well aligned or have a low priority level.

This method is useful for organizations that want to ensure their initiatives align with their overall strategy and deliver the greatest impact.

Impact vs effort

jibility impact and effort matrix template
Download our FREE Impact vs Effort Matrix PowerPoint template here.

The impact vs effort method involves evaluating initiatives based on the impact they are likely to have on the organization and the effort required to execute them. Initiatives that have a high impact and low effort are prioritized over initiatives that have a low impact and high effort.

This method is useful for organizations that want to maximize their impact while minimizing the resources they invest.

Impact vs urgency

impact and urgency matrix
Download our FREE Impact vs Urgency Matrix PowerPoint template here.

The impact vs urgency method involves evaluating initiatives based on the impact they are likely to have on the organization and the level of urgency. Initiatives that have a high impact and high urgency are prioritized over initiatives that have a low impact and low urgency.

This method is useful for organizations that want to balance the need to address immediate issues with the need to focus on initiatives that will deliver the greatest impact.

In conclusion, effective prioritization is crucial for organizations to navigate the complex landscape of competing initiatives and limited resources. By leveraging the top five prioritization methods discussed in this article, organizations can make informed decisions that drive maximum impact. Implementing these prioritization methods and utilizing the provided templates will help you prioritize like a pro, leading to increased efficiency, better resource allocation, and improved overall outcomes.

Try Jibility's built-in prioritization matrix

With Jibility, organizations can easily apply any of the prioritization methods discussed above.

Jibility is a cloud-based business architecture tool that helps organizations align their initiatives with their overall strategy. It provides a simple 6-step approach to guide the translation of strategic vision and goals into a substantiated, prioritized and visualized initiative roadmap.